You can easily change which vehicle your device is linked with, or link it to a new device when logged into the GPS Log Book website.

Navigate to the ACCOUNT > VEHICLES & DEVICES menu item and click on it. (as shown by the arrow).

Click on the name of the device you wish to change as shown by the arrow below:

The device details page will launch, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page until you see the VEHICLE DETAILS section as shown below.

You will either see a "Change Vehicle" option (if the device is currently attached to a vehicle)

Or you will see a "click here" option if the device is not attached to any vehicle yet.

The ADD VEHICLE page will now display. You can choose to select an existing vehicle from the list provided or add a new vehicle.

Note: Only the Registration is a required field and can even be a name or description.

Either the existing vehicle selected or the new vehicle provided by you will now be linked to your device.