You may need to renew your subscription, or add a new one.

To do so, log into your GPS Log Book account and navigate to ACCOUNTS > SUBSCRIPTIONS & BILLING:

Next, click the "Subscription Info" button (1).


If you wish to ADD a new Subscription, click the ADD (3) button.


The ADD SUBSCRIPTION page will display as shown below.  Choose a device and then select a Subscription.

The selected subscription will turn blue:

Scroll down the page and choose a start date:

The payment due will be calculated and you can then Choose to pay by Manual payment (EFT) or Credit Card.

Alternatively, if you require the data for the period since your subscription ended.


If you wish to RENEW (back-date the subscription to the last active date) then select the subscription or subscriptions that you wish to renew by checking the tickbox next to the item (2) and then click the RENEW button (4).


The system will back-date the subscription and calculate the payment due:

Scroll down and the payment due will be calculated and you can then Choose to pay by Manual payment (EFT) or Credit Card.